Thursday, September 17, 2015

Free As A Bird...

Three Days In Germany's Far North

Since time immemorable - or so it seems - a group of women with artistic ambitions and skills gathers in late summer for some days of creative activities. Usually they meet in a pastoral part of Northern Germany, close to the North Sea and the Danish border. When this happens, two of the husbands try to establish a habit of their own: embarking together on an exploration with a compact mobile home. The two go way back, being second cousins to boot. Not living in the same country, there is always much to talk about, past and present. Otherwise the ambitions are moderate: sightseeing, walks in cities and along coastlines, taking in a bit of culture and local events here and there.

One of the two is me, born and raised in Northern Germany, just like my companion. So the recent trip was on home turf. Or should be. Fact is, I never sat foot before in Schleswig, the former capital of the area, never been to the Schlei inlet, never caught a glimpse of the German Baltic coast north of Kiel. I haven't exactly been embarrassed by this blank area on my personal map, but it bothered me a bit. Naturally now, afterwards, I feel much better...
The Schleswig Cathedral with its altar shrine, featuring masterfully carved scenes from the life of Christ, was a true highlite. The fishing villages of Holm and Maasholm on the Schlei fjord stood out as well.

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